Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chinese recipes Daquan 2525 recipe ( do not allow your wife to learn cooking recipes to find that a ) [ 2]

 Chinese recipes Daquan: 2525 recipe (do not let my wife learn to cook recipes to find that a) [2]
Spicy Fish (Graphic)

mild, mostly fragrant. Old is also not much to eat steamed mean, to buy fish, remove the meat, fish bones for the rest of the fish head soup, one fish two to eat, good.

a live fish, cuts clean, take both sides of the meat, cut butterfly pieces, marinate with seasoning for 30 minutes.

hot oil cooked.

pot and saute the garlic over a little oil.

then dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, add a little water, soy sauce, sugar to boil.

place wrapped fish soup, pour vinegar, hook thin qian, sprinkle with onion, turning spoon pan.

spicy, crispy, slightly sweet and sour fish to do a good job!

waffles super simple and easy to do from the beginning

mouth to eat, but also not take half an hour, fast and simple ~~~~~~

ingredients: flour, 150g, 2 eggs, salt amount, water amount (about 300ml), oil 20g, take appropriate

the egg, salt , oil, water, salt and melted together to beat, slowly add the flour mix, flour, a lump on the pressure with a spoon, mix until the last Canadian to spend no dough. Wake up a few minutes.

open in the fire, with a flat non-stick pan, pour a little oil, to batter down the middle to go down to the batter spread to the surrounding irregular, proved too much batter thick, and in the batter with water.

dilute the batter after a very even fallen to four weeks away, shaking pan batter quickly flow.

see the batter and shake the pan surface changes color when the batter has been fixed, you can turn it over to fry, and (the best way to turn it over with, the one not hot, and secondly, training Shoujin)

turn it over to cover the pot, you can not be built. Well ... ... eat! Add cup of black coffee!

caramelized bananas (graphic)

material ultra-simple: bananas 4, flour 50g, 75g cornflour, 1 egg, water, sugar 250 grams, oil

banana cut, the flour, eggs, coupled with the right amount of water, mix well. Pot with lots of oil, fried bananas. The banana surface, like fried to crunchy and sweet. I once put up a few, and finally all the bananas back to a skillet, as far as possible all the surfaces are hard.

pot add a little oil, add sugar, stir constantly over medium heat, you will see from the dolphin to the sugar melts gradually, and then quickly from white to light yellow to deep yellow and then to light brown. This time we can pour the banana and stir to sleep bananas are wrapped in old sugar.

caramelized banana caramel crispy outside, soft inside waxy waxy, very good. Fly in the ointment and banana flour a little bit outside of the package softened to do after the batter to adjust the formula.

winter tonic soup and mutton (graphic)

bought a leg of lamb last night, what white goat, together with skin stew.

raw materials: a leg of lamb, cut into pieces, called the butcher cut the best bit chunks. Two potatoes, a green radish, carrots, two, light blue part of it, a piece of butter, pepper amount.

preferably whole white pepper stew, I did not buy, only a pan, add pepper.

leg of lamb into the soup over water fishing praise, add the right amount of water, add pepper to taste (afraid to eat pepper can be wrapped with gauze), pepper can be good to go In addition to the smell of mutton, the fire heating.

lamb stew side, while other materials will be handled. Onion cut into sections, ginger cut large Paisui, potatoes, carrot chunks to Pi Houqie.

minced ginger is the best shot, so that can burn out ginger, ginger juice will absorb the spicy soup that taste good and keep warm.

materials are added to the soup all the praise, the fire to boil, to bubble, turn the small fire to burn slowly, at least 1 hour or more.

after the pan with salt and white pepper can be discretionary, but also have coriander!

can now drink! !

pine corn (illustration)

success for

necessary ingredients:

a bowl of sweet corn, pine nuts in a small bowl, pepper (small) one carrot (small) one, shallot one.

Seasoning: salt, half tsp.


1, the pepper, carrot, green onion cut all of the small size of corn kernels.

2, first of all pine nuts off the oil. This step to be more careful! ! Because Song Rente easy to paste! ! ! !

oil pan until the oil temperature 3 into the heat, put pine nuts into the pot, to keep a small fire, eyes wide open, while stirring and as soon as look at white pine nuts a little bit color, it is necessary to quickly remove and drain. Thus, use of residual heat, pine nuts can Zhashu, Krusty the change.

I was good with fried before the pine nuts, so there is no process map, and this step is too tight can not attend to take photographs.

3, the other from a pot, add base oil, while under the green onion and carrots stir-fried, stir, add peppers, fragrant, stir fry a few, you can add sweet corn kernels stir fry, and to cooked, add a half teaspoon of salt, dish pan.

fried corn!

4, to prepare a good pine nuts, pour into dish, mix well, to be open to eat)

< br> Intimate Tip:

1, peppers, carrots, here is mainly from the role of color, pick a smaller one so basically it.

2, this dish though they do not add a little sugar, but sweet corn kernels and pine nuts of the reason, basically sweet flavor. But the plus half the normal cooking with salt or even 1 / 3, you can make this dish taste more fresh.

3, the reason why the pine nut mix in the final disk, you can better maintain its crispy taste spicy shrimp (Photos)

number of sea shrimp, back to open side.

main ingredient chili, pepper and some ginger, garlic slices, onion shredded pepper foam a few, have a piece of foam ginger slices.

pot into the oil, remember to little more than usual amount of meat dishes as fried oil and more oil to double it big fire hot, pour in shrimp.

fry for a while, add dried chili peppers and pepper, stir fry, heat the oil to taste the spicy and the Commission are

a spicy and hemp taste, add ginger and garlic slices, pickled, hot ginger (do not put onions first)

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Stir ginger and garlic flavor, add soy sauce, white sugar right amount, a little wine when going to pot, add onion, stir add salt.

a clean wok.

old jar of chicken legs (Figure)

remember a few years ago my mother came to Shenzhen, my home for dinner, served a look at Han did not put a white sauce of the chicken feet, and my heart whispered straight, like a white water boiled chicken feet, it dipped spices, spices can be found it was not any bowl, clip a bite, ah, how so refreshing, her mother said with a smile, is to use old pickle jars, blisters, ah! No wonder it this good, I like it, my mother see me so like, they often do, the fridge, I love watching TV while eating, really happy days ah ... ... ...

approach: Wash chicken legs, release the water pot no more than ten minutes, using chopsticks can penetrate the can, and picked up a cold water, put crisper, the scoop into the old jars of kimchi in water, swamp chicken legs, by the way fishing for a few pickled pepper, celery slices and then cut a hot point, after two hours in the fridge you can eat.

Note: Do not cook chicken legs a long time, gum out, and on into the skin froze.

burned two winter oyster (Figure)

raw materials: 50 grams of mushrooms (dry), bamboo shoots 150 grams.

accessories: 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, onion amount, 1 tsp soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, water, starch, sesame oil the right amount.


1. dried mushrooms clean, bubble, change the knife into the 2,3 per block, the water soaked mushrooms retained.

2. bamboo shoots, cut hob, boiled, remove and control water.

3. oil hot, add mushrooms and bamboo shoots, onion, burst bit, add oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and a little bubble of water mushroom, a small fire to braise for 5 minutes.

4. soup is fragrant, the water thickening starch hook thin, Drizzle sesame oil, stir well then.


characteristics of mushrooms is a prime, fresh, fragrant, but some people do not like the aroma of mushrooms, but it is that Hong to bamboo shoots aftertaste. Note that with savory and sweet, we do to try it .....< br>

Pickle Loach (graphic)

Starring play!

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Loach (water raised to the first two days of the abdomen, the water a few drops of oil). Pickle, wild salamanders, fermented glutinous rice, ginger and garlic.


1, Pickle salamanders mince ginger and garlic,

2, put the oil pan saute the material 1 < br>
3, stir-fry the next moment Loach

4, pour a little hot water salamanders, cooking wine

5, put fermented glutinous rice

burning four or five minutes after the season, not long-burning, loach easily rotten, I burn for a little more.

loach fresh, Pickle Sauvignon, typical Sichuan dishes, said to have beauty beauty (what is now the United States should add beauty?)
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then introduce a practice of the kids or the elderly, tofu, soy milk Loach

oil heat, after a little ginger and garlic until fragrant oil Under the loach fry, mixed with milk, boiled then add cooked tofu. Physical fitness for children and frail elderly people.

farm fish (graphic)

condiments are as follows:

shallot, ginger, garlic, parsley, Pixian watercress, mustard, pepper, Pickle, pickled ginger if we can make it more perfect, and Oh, the flavor of broiled fish, especially farmers, in the absence of more than pickled ginger, and soak in the flavor.


first fried fish, a lot of people are afraid of this link, because it is easy to be thrown into the hot oil, let the fish stick pan, fry skin broken out, in fact, as long as the preparation well, they would not have happened, the first fish to be hanging about after a good washing water vapor, and then fish with kitchen paper to drain the water

another pan fried fish must be washed, dried before firing into the pot, let cool a little flame, the use of ginger rub the pan and let the pot with a layer of ginger, then pour the oil fire, oil hot, the fire reduced, not too large, this time down to the fish, slowly fried on it.

other fish fry to golden brown on both sides, you can serve.

they going to pot another oil, pepper, hot ginger, pickled, mustard, stir Pixian soybean paste pot, and then under the soy sauce, vinegar, rice wine, adjust seasoning of sugar water under the fish stew, the next onion and garlic.

so quickly dries up when the next juice parsley, pot!

success! It looks good!

spicy broth (Figure)

Chongqing, the pig intestine called broth, greasy sound, there are many practices, such as stewed, stew , dry stir and so on, which I think to the number of and spicy pepper taste delicious, but also remove the smell of the large intestine, eating up a Ma and spicy, very tasty, eat a bowl every time ~ ~ ~

talk about practice By the way I approach the large intestine to wash, wash it very clean!


1, pig intestine 500g

2, dried chilli 100g (adjust according to personal taste)

3, pepper 20g (based on personal appropriate adjustments to taste)

4, ginger, garlic little

5, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar, chicken amount


1, will be bought pig intestine wash;

By the way, the method of cleaning the large intestine: large intestine will be bought back into some flour into the pot to the (slightly more put a little) and salt, a bottle of beer, rub back and forth, until the dirt on the large intestine into the tank after the wash, rinse with flowing water for the large intestine, large intestine on the flour until the clean up. Then turn on the water to the pot and put it into the large intestine wash, then add cooking wine, ginger (purpose is to remove the smell of the large intestine) boil (that is, the meaning of flying water), remove the large intestine;

2, re-turn on the water pot, add ginger wine, and then put the large intestine, such as pot, cook the colon and cut small pieces of soft cold standby (Figure 1);

3, dried pepper from cut into two sections of the middle cut, add pepper spare (Figure 2);

4, the pot of oil until the oil temperature into the colon six hot, put some salt, turn the fire slowly The stir-dry moisture to dry and then drained some of the large intestine out of Yau Shing standby (Figure 3,4);

5, the ginger and garlic pieces into the pan just duplicating the incense into the ready pepper and pepper, stir fry over medium heat until peppers turn a little into the previous color after dishing out the colon continue to stir fry for a moment, into the cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken stir fry for a while and then continued to pepper into the dark red after a transfer to a plate off Huosheng (Figure 5,6)!

from pickled salted egg (Photos)

First, choose coarse salt (fine salt also, if not coarse salt well)
< br>

boiling salt water, according to quantity of water to your eggs, the weight, until the salt is saturated so far (salt is no longer soluble in water), or line.

brine cool to be put eggs (duck eggs also, personal favorite) If you love to eat Zhang eye (that is, out of the salted egg yolk salted black, protein is white) can be a hot salt water to lay eggs, then dip pickled fifteen days, do not flip the egg.

this is a half months after my salty pickled eggs, take the food, the salt water can still go on to pickled eggs came alive again.

we look at it, a lot of egg yolk oil Oh, my yellow egg yolk, egg yolk if you want red salt water in the cooking with a red tea when boiled with salt, egg yolk will red, and like to eat salted egg try!

bacon rice paper (Photos)

open blisters rice, more than an hour after the release of steam steam inside the pot for 15-20 minutes

cut bacon onions, and lettuce, lettuce must maintain the integrity of

the lettuce a little hot, hot soft

fried bacon, put the steamed glutinous rice, soy sauce chicken with raw salt (a little) cooking wine, stir, add onions out

pan fry it!

take half a slice of cooked lettuce leaves, a good amount of fried rice

wrapped like

steamed about 3,4 minutes

soft coconut loose ball (Diagram )


butter 100 grams, 130 grams powdered sugar (I use only 90 grams, enough for flavor), milk 40 grams , egg yolk 80 grams, 20 grams of milk powder, coconut 270 grams.


1, butter, powdered sugar together and mix;

2, Gradually add egg yolk, mix well;

3, Gradually add milk, stir well;

4, add coconut, milk powder and mix well (my pot is relatively small, so I also add in the points.)

to knead small group Banhao coconut pellets (the whole production process on a number of this step is the most accurate, and good oil well sticky yo, only tolerance, Coconut relatively loose group, using disposable gloves or plastic bags not to do), the small pellets be placed in the baking dish into the preheated oven. Up and down the fire of 120 degrees (I feel a little low, the temperature may be below standard household oven, so I used 140 degrees) baked to golden brown like the small pellets, and I spent 35 more minutes!

delicious yo, taste soft, full flavor! Authentic material from the household, meaning to eat than before, stronger and more profitable! Difference is obvious.

done such a box less than I expected, but also can eat for days!

mouth fragrant taste of ribs (Photos)

cola ribs

material: 600 grams of pork ribs, 2 cans of Coke , ginger, onion, star anise, soy sauce, salt.


1. Wash and cut the ribs inch shape, and then fly water retention;

2. with peanut oil saute ginger (3), then add pork stir-fried;

3. and then a good fried pork ribs into the cooker, add a small amount of star anise and soy sauce, salt, cola;

4. with the fire burning to the sauce like, when you put a small amount of onion stage.

steamed pork ribs with garlic plum

materials: 600 grams of pork row, ginger, green onion, garlic, corn starch, Plum 5, pepper, sugar, rice wine.


1. Wash the ribs Zhancheng small drain the water retention;

2. add the right amount of salt, rice wine, pepper and marinate for 15 minutes, Black Plum with the clutch a little bit to cut, add sugar, garlic mix well sugar dissolves, pour ribs, add the dry starch and then mix;

3. the ribs tile in the plate on the water to boil, put the steaming over high heat 8 to 10 minutes until cooked;

4. and serve sprinkled point when the green onion, 1 tablespoon hot oil can be poured.

salt and pepper ribs

materials: 750 grams of pork ribs, onion, ginger, red pepper at the end, the end of green pepper, 2 eggs, black pepper, MSG , Hua Diao wine, salt and pepper.


1. the pig-shaped ribs, cut into small pieces (5 cm) washed, and ribs with a cloth to dry the water retention;

2. and then for curing, salt, black pepper, MSG, Hua Diao wine, ginger marinated for 15 minutes;

3. the oil in the firing process, the main ingredient prepared an egg batter, stir it with a small spoon uniform;

4. the marinated pork ribs evenly coated in egg batter into the boiling oil, deep fry golden shortening picked up on the plate;

5. Jia Ruqie good red Law at the end, light blue end of green pepper at the end and after an appropriate amount of salt and pepper saute slightly and evenly sprinkled on the ribs, then this dish even do a good job.

● steamed pork ribs at home when there is no steamer is available if the bowl instead of directly into the pot of water mixed, half flooded to the bowl can be high. When steamed or else add a little water to the pot when, so that the water has boiled away. Remember to add boiling water, or hot and cold, bowls easy to explode.

● Salt and pepper pork ribs with a layer of custard outside, so the pot, the pot of sauce will thicken immediately, this time to stop to prevent the stick fry pan. Juice must be received dried, when the bottom of the pot are basically oil, between the ribs in the ribs will pull a separate thread of sugar, the juice collected almost the same. Confiscated juice will seriously affect the finished product dry gloss and texture

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