Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fly on the wings of love - my trip to Europe (i)

 Trip to Europe was finally taking off
hope more than a year, so more than a year, experienced a across all sorts of obstacles, the take off.
mm taken from the diary
Although the mild winter in Shenzhen, but the morning I put on warm clothes, because I know that Europe in the snow, cold, and in the plane on changing clothes, not very convenient for me.
all issues are resolved, all was ready, everyone's mood is relaxed and happy, especially me, could feel his face has been filled with happiness smile.
journey to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, for us, just the feeling of moment, we quickly went to the.
send our driver is very interesting, to the Baiyun Airport, he set us and luggage, then swiftly back the car to start running, as if fear of once again like to take us back home.
my heart smiled to himself. how can that be? certainly can not, absolutely not! But Liu sister talking about?
; Hu Lin, be careful! Phi good clothes, do not expose your arms l r. > What happened then? two days ago, the scene is also a clear defeat in front of our hearts could not help but re-hh hanging up. Do our trip to Europe is bound to be futile dream of you?
I would like to ask how Miss Liu going on? to wide areas, the sound will be spread very far, I dare not act rashly. Moreover, the wheelchair hoarse voice and my old heart pounding, had enough swagger.
few people came to a corner, we stopped suddenly bow to me, Betty, said: Like her, I do not know, was kind enough to like her, I am also very nervous, we can not answered.
Liu sister came, she look at our panic-stricken face, pretending to be something easy to comfort us , and then could not bear to tell us that two days before the skin in the Tai Qi and the Lin Hu arms to disguise himself, under false pretenses.
look like a guilty conscience. stimulation, a bit like illegal immigration, but if the case, as Betty feared: found how to do? it not come to naught? and skin Daqi's emotional comedy, serious disability like me can be allowed through, Hu Lin will also have a problem? I doubt the skin is interested in manufacturing a large odd mystery, but Liu's words and deeds are not like trick sister, while her team to help us layout the line, while they help us to allocate baggage, in short, their brains is trying to airport staff, even including some irrelevant eye, attracted to my body.
bright and spacious, but not the airport, one after another par tourists coming and going, naturally, some will occur in the wit, but the wheelchair, and I'm sitting in a wheelchair, should it still a different kind of scenery!
time, people began lining conscious team, the long, meandering to far away. We in the middle position, can not go back, nor forward, only hard to follow slowly moving the scalp.
Betty pushed luggage leading the way, Hu Lin, followed by disclosure of his coat is very skilled, not only to body cover tightly, and very chic look. Although the woman in front of their overburdened, but his air of calm, peace of mind, is entirely an out-male image. I Hulin behind looked at his profile wire is not chaos, cool calm pace, want to laugh and not laugh. has Wumei pushing my wheelchair, walking in the final surface, although only the back of the body of a daily packet, but action was not usually stable . with the front of Betty, have a few times, I saw Betty's luggage cart off track. We are a group, Betty normal care of luggage, but if the burden of luggage also has the words of Wu Mei, Hu leisure forest to be justified. no way, Betty has undertaken only one person. We all understand the pressure on her, especially Hu Lin, he is very distressed that their lover, so from time to time to step aside by that pretended to be free of the body positioned against the handlebar bags, in fact, Betty is forced to help.
check Koudao, the documents out, eleven staff members were our faces, they look a bit like X-ray, I think the lies will be wearing thoroughly. backflow of blood, respiratory obstruction, I'm waiting for earth-shattering Duanhe soon. However, baggage handling in the past, people who follow into the room, no wind, no waves, we have passed, and little bit of adventure did not happen.
all safe thing. But to deceive the public, and our skin is not large singular act together, he pretended not to our team than we first step into the checkpoints, he still was waiting to see us there, his face was exposed a beautiful smile.
But this time, a uniformed man came to us, white skin, blue eyes, his face hidden conspiracy laugh. bright shoes on the polished floor, the issue is very dignified rhythmic sound. I'm scared to close my eyes and thought: the net of justice has long arms, and we finished mm.
gentle gentle baritone , smooth sweet English, the original is sent to escort me special Air France staff. He asked us not to worry Do not worry, wait a moment in place, when he will come and take our flight.
I have Wumei Hu Lin and Zhao, we looked at each other slower to catch on, stunned quite a while to respond. leather large standing not far from assured odd smile, remembering his usual playful personality, I guess he just must be a gloat We enjoy a lot by the Fair, by the Yin Zhuanqing expression.
not for a while, the man is really just came to pick us up, he pushed an airport-specific wheelchair, compared to my Wheelchair bulky, rusty, very ashamed. He wanted to hold my hand, let me say thanks, say no, have Wumei hurried over, and he became very sensible to retreat to the side. just like me, fingers, neck and how many eyes can swing, rock and roll that little man, he knew that require special care. for a good wheelchair, he asked who Wumei gave way, then he put me into a parallel electrical mm not lift, is the guard, I feel like a valuable item, are being secretly sent to the location. has Wumei trot along behind, because she is so small, the only way to barely keep up with a French man pushing a wheelchair step .
the first time, no person operating a wheelchair has Wumei the direction and speed, I still feel safe.
as if through a dream, I hardly have time to understand what, on to the plane.
have French girl in Chinese, said: Visit the glory.
2004 年 2 月 1 日 上午 十一点 am, our flight from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport quasi-point slide track or on the blue sky, to fly to a country called Europa.
spring waves (the cabin is certainly not a trace of wind, this is just my imagination), I really want to sing aloud, and then rotate to follow his own voice, flying like an angel.
If there is heaven, heaven is the heart of the Holy Land.
a one floc gather and disperse the cloud, and rains recede, transform a variety of patterns, as if my feelings, falsehoods, real. to prove that they are not in the sleepwalking I am looking for companions to say something, can Hulin Fu wife is busy preparing bags of paper ah ah and the like, and care I have Wumei soft leaned back, a brutally tortured . she began to motion sickness, I do not have the heart to disturb her, but her expression of pain just to remind me, so I am sure that our trip to Europe was finally taking off.
million off thousands of waves, passing through numerous, and our trip to Europe finally the wings of love, and began flying free and happy.
of a young Chinese flight attendants came up to me in front of her face is pale and delicate, I could not help but suspect that she is not just out of school probation.
has Wumei, think again weakly own, I replied with a smile: the microphone began to speak out, Chinese, English and French and other alternative sounds, it is a burst of lively and messy. I listened attentively, but because the roar of the aircraft, my eardrums up huge giant of the pain, so the effort of the old trouble half-day, only to understand the meaning of a around.
fact, why bother to understand it? such a good day, I should stretch the mind, to enjoy this moment. Yes, at this moment, even if there is a green fly fly on the nose, I will not angry.
gratuitous think sheng, and with him the bird flies. sheng was worried about it, if it is me, I will not. no matter where it is native, It will always adapt to the environment. Besides, who knows it, where is home? that is not necessarily just the bird flies to Beijing from Stockholm, it is just nothing to go home.
only find a home where the soul is the home ! can some people are doomed to life on the road, at home, will always be an unattainable dream.
many years many years ago, I lived in a rundown town, when life is almost abyss of suffering, dark eyes, what hope do not, but I was in his diary in the inexplicably wrote: every country in the world. Inspiration?
Is Since that time, the skin has started to a large odd China? many nights, I trying to come up with this equation, but, ultimately, to no avail, hope this trip to Europe, I can in his home to find the answers they wanted.
leather large odd? My eyes searched for him, and he is not within my sight, but I knew he was not far away, I can be a local call.
not wide not narrow look at the cabin door, thinking big burly leather large odd, I laughed at the same time, out of warmth from the heart.
our European trip, to be exact, it should be from May 31, 2002 the night off. or still earlier it! because the skin in the Tai Qi Liu a long time ago in the know about the sister of us, maybe that time he had touched her, but also to wish more people moved.
I clearly remember the night the World Cup football match exactly. skin big big fan of odd is the standard, regardless of the nationality of the skin as a law Great Church, or as large odd Italian leather , for every game is precious. can that night he gave up, even though people have repeatedly reminded the accompanying proposal, he did not moved by it, the opposite is also very appreciative of the students of the gas, so that some kind of reception staff embarrassment. I think the simple skin large odd afraid I can not understand, because his purpose is clear, urgent desire, he thought something important should give way to love. So I take the plane, and sat coach, then climb the long dark narrow staircase, and he saw firm without regret, Zigong City, lives in the water on the fourth floor of the high ranking career I.
I believe he touch me long made of that moment, to decide to take me to Europe for my wheelchair wings. ultra-modern wheelchair. let me fly over borders, fly to the Alps, flew to his hometown, flying his friends and family. because the day after the return to Shenzhen, Liu sister called me to convey the meaning of skin large odd, and we seize the moment to bid a passport. Although I believe every word of the skin Great Church, every action, but happiness come as a surprise, I am vulnerable and sensitive heart can not afford to have a feel. not to mention a lot of time, not what others do for you, but what to do for themselves. fate and good fortune can be longer or shorter between the distance I do not believe themselves.
2002 年 6 月 5 日 we took a few tables to find the relevant departments.
6 月 6 日 sky raining, we go according to the standard passport size photos.
ah! how moisture in summer rain, looking back to back, as if my happiness is always associated with rain.
6 月 11 日 four of us went outside office to submit the forms and photographs.
some blessings others suspect that some people envious, and some were blocked, but that has not changed.
6 月 29 日 we successfully got the passport.
everything is ready, only a strong wind, and I did not expect This is more than a year due to wind a.
first, because a large odd skin too busy with his PhD and the Asia Pacific region as a pharmacy director, every day is too busy, especially in summer is the peak of vaccine production, He is no way to get out. but he must accompany us, and his wish is to accompany our trip to Europe, to send out our spirit, then let us take care of a cent back.
Xingqi have postponed until the autumn, and deferred to the winter. winter is too cold, the skin of my big worry about odd side, while running for the visa.
is more than running, is simply from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, from Guangzhou to Beijing and from Beijing to Shenzhen, to turn back and forth for four laps. This is only the domestic circle, as well as foreign circles. flying from China, France, Italy, flying from China, and his family ; know us.
never visas are to be personally to the scene, and can be no arms Hu Lin, and my feet arms are useless, so that two people with disabilities to go to Beijing visa difficulties can be imagined . Of course, Europe can go, Beijing is not able to go? can skin their one big Qining willing to face all the hardships, we do not want the slightest trouble.
visa is still fighting in the Iraq war broke out and more intense, a great trend of the spread of war. Although there is no immediate danger, but the volatile political situation, after all, society as a whole caused a lot of insecurity, the skin does not allow large odd trip to Europe a little bit of our error .
followed by another and accommodation, during which bravely went back to France, the result is really to be quarantined until the lifting of the ban did not come back. was that his breath, I could imagine Jane Ling is very understanding, because he calls every day and send text messages to her and express their frustration and anxiety.
changed to Guangzhou, and we need to run only after I went to check on the line. but also pleased that our trip to Europe was originally a large odd private invitation to the skin, they eventually became Aventis. Pasteur corporate behavior.
on the plane, Liu repeatedly told my sister to choose a window seat. I know her mind, she hoped the Yunshu clouds in the way, can soothe my lonely journey, but I lonely? window of the plane window, a small, glass and thick, about me? too short, so did not see anything, but that did not see, and my heart will have a richer and deeper experience.
long time ago, I look up to heaven aircraft, found that little things that can only hold my dreams; years later, I watched TV in the plane, make sure it can meet the aspirations and desire of many people, but can not carry a small wheelchair.
did not think he is. I remember it was a love, then the flow of water in the Yuet Wah in the evening, he was very solemn promise to me: One day I'll hold you to fly. I looked at him, do not cry do not laugh, but his heart was badly gratitude and emotion, and even sad, because in addition to him, no such detailed understanding of who I want to fly can not desire and suffering. But day after day, looking forward, waiting for the final result is, he Suddenly there is no return to a distant paradise.
promise is still flashing a beautiful warm gloss, but I think that it is always only the depths of my mind, aroma from my Yilianyoumeng I started avoiding the hh sky and the wings, did not dare to expect all things related to flying, as if under the sun apart from him, all the arms have no power like.
until today, in this spring season, the dream into hope, hope that changes into reality, I know, love life, there is a greater and more magical.
fact from beginning to end, the Angels are in my side, and never stopped flying around me. Yes, or like I turn around to sleep with such a need to help people with disabilities, how could along the way, from rural to urban, now have to fly to distant Europe do?
aircraft flew over Lanzhou, Hami, Urumqi, Kazakhstan, Moscow and Warsaw, in the afternoon fifty-seven past four p.m. local time, about 0:00 Beijing time landed safely at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport.
This is what kind of airport? the same as the CLS movement, arch shaped roof of the sky as if hanging down, and the magic of light flashes, the United States was fascinating. to the collapse occurred was unfortunate, I pity! beautiful is not necessarily durable, beautiful and so fragile original.
a not high but the fullness of the French woman pushing a wheelchair to pick me up, very small but very comfortable for a wheelchair, she was naturally very easy to push me, I believe that not only skilled, but a love. because when I head down to the time, Zeng Fu Cong only once for me, she always remembers my head righting. we go or as a special channel, all the way to get around, even some of the relevant procedures are special people to help them handle The.
remember our night blocked in China, know that this is being prepared for today I have a better reception.
meet us at the airport is a former Assistant skin leather large odd column (Pairine GRENICR) President and translation of Miss Yang Kun, as well as specialized as we drove to the driver. leather Ms. tall column, thin, wearing a pair of elegant glasses, sincere and warm smile. According to Yang Kun introduced Ms. leather out of our European trip travel charge, but I think she Soon friends were like, or a family friend's aunt. Miss Yang Kun is Chinese, but her dress is completely Western-oriented, authentic French also say special, but the taste of some falsetto, to sound a bit tired. is tired of her. If one day she saw me this text, I hope she do not get angry, because this is my true feelings at the time. Then he heard the French, before we know all this argument, so elegant look, no wonder she often told us in some environments, embarrassed. and then later she said over and over again, we still half the villagers, because her father was Guizhou, Sichuan Fuling mother who is, thus we feel a little kiss. refresher case of foreign land, not a master account, how happy thing! but I do not know what her feelings? I think she will not forget us, after all, we are all descendants of the dragon.
driver Mr.Rogeno DA SILVA, was Portuguese, looks young and strong, but is said to had been almost four years old. With the difficulties of communication with each other, but some understanding, some moved, is not a sound language.
because Xingqi postponed after the plane We did not stay in Paris to direct the car to Lyon, in order to be on time tomorrow Visit Aventis. Pasteur branches and head office, and president and vice president to accept their hospitality.
more than twelve hours of the aircraft, plus five hours of car to Lyon is already a local a little more middle of the night. everyone tired exhausted, the only desire is to put himself in bed, regardless of whether he was an incredibly hard to sleep. Moreover, even getting up at seven o'clock tomorrow.
I was supposed to be tired because I have never had such a take ten hours or so on, but I never feel tired and sore, which I could not believe.
time difference between Paris and Beijing is seven hours, if this time is in China, we have been sleeping Mei Mei a sense, the preparation to get up.

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