Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Harvey, a stunning three-line pass tear master power breathing machine and then show

 Compared with the data contribution, Harvey in the tactical value of contribution is invisible on the master. Barcelona and Helai Adamkus rhythm the whole game had been firmly in control of Harvey, which also made red and blue army swept away the league effortlessly 15 game winning streak.

and review the goals, Harvey's moment in the passing show of calm sense and keen insight stunning. This is called mind Zhise stunning, Harvey's passing is almost penetrated the opponents of the three lines of defense so that Pedro got the chance with the goalkeeper singled out! For this goal, Harvey assigned at least half the credit.

full match of the first 88 minutes, Guardiola replaced by Keita Harvey, albeit away from home, Harvey still got the applause and cheering fans. This is undoubtedly is a

match, Harvey accumulated up to 123 passes, which is successful 119, passing amazing success rate of 96.7%, almost comparable to the opponent's entire midfield. The manufacture of the ball 4 times the data key contribution is the highest audience. In addition, Harvey has also arranged all of the positioning of the ball team, of which the second half, a free kick from the center have also created no small threat.

offensive front in Barcelona is still shining Lionel Messi and Pedro! And silently behind them were still combing the offensive team is Harvey! The rhythm in his feet firmly in control of the

Harvey full match is undoubtedly the most amazing moments that assists Pedro scored great goals. Match the first 43 minutes the first half, Barca attack front, Andres Iniesta's shot left the restricted area is denied defensive player, the ball rebounded to Harvey feet. Harvey Qiuhou observed in the calm defensive player and his teammates stations, the sharp right of the penalty area found unguarded Pedro.

Harvey sharp pass in the whole match for the manufacture of Murder and a few teammates, the whole game the first 59 minutes, Harvey helped thought balls accurate completion of the restricted area of the Villa hit the door, if not blown offside Villa, Harvey could help his teammates break again.

modest and low profile have become label Harvey, who is at least the people in the spotlight before, but when the self-shirt donated sick child, we will see Harvey's presence. In court, Harvey always observed, as always, post moves his teammates, looking for loopholes in the other line, and then sent assists for teammates, has integrated such a player myself and Barcelona is undoubtedly the greatest luck!

YORK, Jan. 30 reported

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: dawn)

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